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Post by Kaoru Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:56 pm

Hello everyone! My name is Luca, and in this channel, you will mostly see me asking for your feedback about the site. I will mainly include things such as possible site ideas, story ideas, etc. In fact, if you see me doing otherwise, it is probably because the case has proven itself quite significant in my mind. As stated in the description of this forum, when venting thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc, I ask that there only be wise responses. If the only words you have set in your mind towards one of my posts are vulgar/harsh/unnecessary, please do not reply with those words. This aside now, here is my current idea:

Up until now, Crimea has been dead for quite some time. We haven't made any changes, advertised, etc. However, that's all gonna change now. With this being said, I would like to give a thought about a complete revision of Crimea. This may include new races, new classes, new areas on the map, a jump in time- whatever suits you fancy. Alas, these ideas will only be considered if the vast majority of you agree upon the same point. With this being said, please do something like the following:

Reply #1:

I want a new race.

Reply #2

I disagree with adding a new race because...(Agree/Disagree to the above post)

I would like to see a...

If you still cannot comprehend what was just demonstrated, the first person to reply to this post will simply give an idea as to what they may like to see on the forum. The next poster will also post their opinion, but also agree or disagree with the above poster's comment. Please do not be harsh with your commentary on the above poster's idea(s). The top 3 ideas with the most positive feedback will be considered.

Posts : 34
Join date : 2013-09-08

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